This session was such a blast! We found the perfect spot with plenty of flowers and sunlight. Sometimes, you just have to drive of the beaten path to find a hidden gem. The girls were in heaven with all the flowers and of course, the tractor. What kid doesn't like a tractor?? They are coolest. And little man was the HAPPIEST baby. Seriously, check out those grins.
Where to even start.... This sweet family in near and dear to my heart!! Brittany and I met when our husbands started optometry school 3 years ago. Guys, MEDICAL SCHOOL IS NO JOKE!! Our husbands have their noses to the grindstone for the better part of those years (for a good reason, it's HARD!) so we don't see much of our husbands. It can be so so hard on us and the kids, but with amazing friends around, we can do anything!! Love you guys!! We will miss you!!

Morgan Bruneel Photography is based in Portland, OR with travel dates available to the Seattle area and greater Moses Lake, WA. Family Photo Sessions are available from late March till the end of November. In the Spring and Fall Family Mini Sessions are offered at a discount rate. Fall Family Session in particular fill very fast so it is recommended you book 1-2 months in advance. In family sessions we focus on moments, not poses. We run, play, tickle, laugh and do our best to create authentic family moments. For more information please fill out my contact form on my family page. For information on mini session availability or travel dates, be the first to know by subscribing to my e-mail list, (CLICK HERE) and keeping an eye on social media.